Jamie Hinson Jamie Hinson

My Fasting Experience

I recently did a fast, it lasted 2 weeks and I had company to help me stay encouraged. I am not going to lie; I did “fall off the wagon “more than once. I still decided to walk my way to the end.

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Jamie Hinson Jamie Hinson

Affirm, Trust, Believe

In 2018 my job relocated to Tennessee. I was asked to relocate. I was ready to go! I had the apartment, I got the lay of the land, and I knew which college I would be attending. I even knew which guy would be talking to.

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Jamie Hinson Jamie Hinson

Time Waits For No One

In the year 2018, God woke me up in the middle of the night and said, “write the book”. Since then, my passion for writing has grown. But I have not written the book yet. I was too focused on getting a degree. Which is not for everyone. If you have a degree, great. And if you do not, it is still great.

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Jamie Hinson Jamie Hinson

The Faithful Tree

I was taking a walk in my backyard after a long day of doubting my purpose. I had been in the house all day. It wasnt until 4:00pm I decided to slip my feet into my sneakers and go for a walk. As I was walking, I began to look at the leaves falling from a tree in my neighbors backyard.

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