Time Waits For No One

In the year 2018, God woke me up in the middle of the night and said, “write the book”. Since then, my passion for writing has grown. But I have not written the book yet. I was too focused on getting a degree. Which is not for everyone. If you have a degree, great. And if you do not, it is still great.  I USED to believe having a degree would grant me successful. I was looking for a career, and thought maybe I should be a nurse, maybe a therapist, and maybe even a teacher. I have taken courses and spent years in school, but never walked across the stage to receive a degree.

I wonder who I would be if I got the degree? Would I be me? Would I be the person God needs me to be?

I am saying all of this to say, STOP WASTING TIME (saying this to myself). The gifts/talents God has given you, was not given to you so that you can box them up. He calls on you to use them, so they do not shrivel up. If you have been called to step out and use your gift, then stop pushing it off for another time. Y’all tomorrow is not promised. Someone out here needs to hear that song, podcast, strategy plan, poem, or just your voice. No gift is too small, God needs us all to do our part. I believe in you, God believes you, he is just waiting on you to believe in yourself.

It took me a long time to believe in myself.

Continue to hope, pray, and talk to God. He is always ready to hear from you. Love you guys! Thanks for the support 


Affirm, Trust, Believe


The Faithful Tree