The Instruction Manual

Almost everything we buy comes with an instruction manuals. I usually just skim through it.

I have one of those “I can do all things through Christ who gives you strength attitudes”. So, my pride and I take our time to figure out how to put something together. After about 10 minutes I must tell my pride “We need help”. I go pick up my instruction manual and get the proper instructions. I don’t know if I’m the only one to do that, but that’s my testimony.

Why do we choose to struggle even though God has given us a book to guide us all the way through life?

Why do we think that our way is better than the one who gave us life?

Maybe, it’s not that we think we’re better. We just have a spirit that’s weak.

Have you noticed it’s easier to scroll on social media than to take a stroll through the bible?
If were not allowing ourselves to be connected to the right guide, we’ll lose our selves and our salvation. Let me be real with you, Jesus is coming soon. And, if we don’t have our eyes fixed on him now. When will we make the time for him?
Allow him to guide you through this life and you will notice peace even in your destruction. God is trying to tell you something in every season, but you must be willing to follow his voice. The bible is filled with stories about lust, hate, trust, family and many more. He knew that his people would need a guide in order to get through life. I’m not saying to spend 5 hours in the word of God. I just want to encourage you to take at least 5-10 minutes a day to read his word and mediate. Take the time to listen to that still small voice. I usually like to mediate to gospel instrumentals and release the pain that I have been holding onto. Allow yourself to be at peace.

Love you guys  


My Fasting Experience


Affirm, Trust, Believe