Affirm, Trust, Believe

In 2018 my job relocated to Tennessee. I was asked to relocate. I was ready to go! I had the apartment, I got the lay of the land, and I knew which college I would be attending. I even knew which guy would be talking to.

I thought I had it all down packed and together. But when the time came for me to move. God said “Stay”. I was so convinced that I would launch a ministry in 2018-2019. I left my job in February of 2019. I went home and I felt depression come over me, but I walked in faith. I was on unemployment, trying to write and do YouTube. But I lacked real faith, and consistency. The verse I focused on was.

Philippians 1:6- God did not bring you this far to leave you.

I felt so alone in this season, I cried myself to sleep almost every night. Wondering and asking God “why? What do you have for me?” This season of my life also changed my character, the pain and relocation of my faith was birthed in this season. We do not always understand what God is doing. Sometimes it is not our time to understand our trials. The word of God says.

Proverbs 3:5- Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

When you find yourself lost and confused, affirm, and believe Gods promises. Be intentional with your faith and your prayer life.


The Instruction Manual


Time Waits For No One