The Faithful Tree

I was taking a walk in my backyard after a long day of doubting my purpose. I had been in the house all day. It wasnt until 4:00pm I decided to slip my feet into my sneakers and go for a walk. As I was walking, I began to look at the leaves falling from a tree in my neighbors backyard. The day was chilly so I decided to sit in my car and watch the leaves fall. I began to think about the seasons and how the earth has to adjust to whatever season it is in at the time.

It got me thinking about faith.

I know, how?

Well in our lives we have seasons, trials that we go through in order to test our faith. Sometimes like the trees we need to loose our leaves in certain seasons. While in other seasons new leaves emerge and blossom. I learned a lot about trees when I was a teachers assistant at a pre-school.

We went through something called the tree study.

In the tree study we learned about the different types of trees, animals that help the tree to survive and the impotrance of trees on earth. It was actually quite intresting. For part of the year deciduous trees lose their leaves. The other trees that do not lose their leaves are called evergreen. I know, were not here to learn about trees but it got me thinking.

Sometimes just like some trees part of the year lose their leaves based on the season, how many of us lose our faith based on the season God calls us to?

I know I do.

On that peaceful day, sitting in my car. God reminded me of his everlasting promise.


Time Waits For No One