My Fasting Experience

I recently did a fast, it lasted 2 weeks and I had company to help me stay encouraged. I am not going to lie; I did “fall off the wagon “more than once. I still decided to walk my way to the end. For the two week fast I decided to cut my TV time from almost all day to only 2 hours a day. It was to help me focus on Gods plan for my life and writing a devotional. I am happy to say I accomplished what I wanted the fast to accomplish. But now that its over, I realized my prayer life needs some serious CPR. We decided that we would pray 3 times a day. I soon began to forget those 3x times a day prayer. I cannot blame it on my pregnancy either. I have been feeling my prayer life change since I stepped into my new role as a wife.

I had to adjust to a new space, living with my husband, and trying to incorporate my spiritual life into a new environment. The one thing that has been on my mind is TIME. The times it takes for me to adjust, the time it takes for me to move, and the time it takes for me to grow…. Etc. My husband is the blunt opposite of me. I know we were placed together to help each other be better versions of ourselves. To be honest, I just want to do things my way. But my husband reminds me daily, that everything does not need to be done in “slow motion”. And getting out of your comfort zone is necessary for growth.

I am pretty much saying, I need to get my personality in order. Fasting and prayer shows me the answers I am asking for and the personality I need to improve on. Time is of the essence; we must move and get started on what God has called each of us to do.

So, let us go out and do it.


Forgiving the Unforgivable


The Instruction Manual